
by Sandeep Nangia

श्रीरामकृष्णध्यानम् - Sri Ramakrishna Dhyanam

Sep 6, 2013 - 2 minute read - Sanskrit


Picture of Sri Ramakrishna

हृदयकमलमध्ये राजितं निर्विकल्पं सदसदखिलभेदादतीतमेकस्वरूपम् ।
प्रकृतिविकृतिशून्यं नित्यमानन्दमूर्तिं विमलपरमहंसं रामकृष्णं भजामः ॥१॥

We worship the stainless Great Swan Sri Ramakrishna resplendent in the lotus of heart, who is free from changes, who is the Unitary Being beyond all differences between the existence and non-existence, who is void of the modifications of nature and is always the embodiment of bliss.

Notes: हृदय-कमल-मध्ये in the lotus of the heart राजितम् resplendent निर्विकल्पम् free from changes, unwavering सत्-असत्-अखिल-भेदात् अतीतम् beyond all differences of the existence and non-existence एक-स्वरूपम् the unitary being प्रकृति-विकृति-शून्यम् void of the modifications of Prakriti नित्यम् always आनन्द-मूर्तिम् embodiment of bliss विमल-परम-हंसम् the great swan who is stainless रामकृष्णम् Ramakrishna भजामः (we) worship.

निरुपममतिसूक्षमं निष्प्रपञ्चं निरीहं गगनसदृशमीशं सर्वभूताधिवासम् ।
त्रिगुणरहितसच्चिद्ब्रह्मरूपं वरेण्यं विमलपरमहंसं रामकृष्णं भजामः ॥२॥

We worship the stainless Great Swan, Sri Ramakrishna, who is beyond compare, very subtle, devoid of diversity, desire-less, vast as the sky, the master of the world, the abode of all creatures, devoid of the three gunas and the image of Existence-Knowledge-Absolute and the one to be desired for.

Notes: निरुपमम् without comparison अति-सूक्षमम् very subtle निष्प्रपञ्चम् devoid of diversity निरीहम् desire-less गगन-सदृशम् similar to the sky ईशम् ruler, master, lord सर्व-भूत-अधिवासम् the abode of all creatures त्रिगुण-रहित-सच्चित्-ब्रह्म-रूपम् devoid of the three gunas, the image of Existence and Knowledge absolute वरेण्यम् to be wished for, desirable विमल-परम-हंसम् the great swan who is stainless रामकृष्णम् Ramakrishna भजामः (we) worship.

वितरितुमवतीर्णं ज्ञानभक्तिप्रशान्तीः प्रणयगलितचित्तं जीवदुःखासहिष्णुम् ।
धृतसहजसमाधिं चिन्मयं कोमलाङ्गं विमलपरमहंसं रामकृष्णं भजामः ॥३॥

We worship the stainless Great Swan, Sri Ramakrishna who has incarnated to distribute knowledge, devotion and tranquility, whose mind has as if melted with love, who is unable to bear the pain of the creatures, whose is in the state of samadhi, his natural disposition, who is filled with consciousness and who has tender limbs.

Notes: वितरितुम् to distribute अवतीर्णम् who has taken an incarnation ज्ञान-भक्ति-प्रशान्तीः knowledge, devotion and tranquility प्रणय-गलित-चित्तम् whose mind has as if melted with love जीव-दुःख-असहिष्णुम् unable to bear the pain of the creatures धृत-सहज-समाधिम् who has gone into Samadhi, his natural disposition चिन्मयम् filled with consciousness कोमलाङ्गम् one with tender limbs विमल-परम-हंसम् the great swan who is stainless रामकृष्णम् Ramakrishna भजामः (we) worship.